Memorial Golf Tournament 2023
Fri, May 26
|Red Wing Lake Golf Course

May 26, 2023, 9:00 AM
Red Wing Lake Golf Course, 1144 Prosperity Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, USA
$500.00Sale endedSingle Player
$125.00Sale endedTRIDENT Sponsor
+ Two Golf Foursomes + Space for your Tent Display at Event + Large Ad space in the UDT-SEAL Blast Quarterly Magazine + Special SEAL gift
$5,000.00Sale endedEAGLE Sponsor
+ One Golf Foursome + Space for your Tent Display at Event + Medium Ad space in the UDT-SEAL Blast Quarterly Magazine + Special SEAL gift
$2,500.00Sale endedHELM Sponsor
+ One Golf Foursome. + "Honorable Mention" in UDT-SEAL Blast Quarterly Magazine.
$1,000.00Sale endedANCHOR Sponsor
+ "Honorable Mention" in UDT-SEAL Blast Quarterly Magazine.
$500.00Sale endedBUOY Sponsor
+ Customized Golf Hole Sign at the hole of your choice.
$150.00Sale endedDINGHY Sponsor
Not all support needs come from cash donations. Food and beverage support in addition to large item donations for the event raffle/auction are critical to making the event successful.
Pay what you wantSale ended